Pupil Voice
School life
We really value what the pupils say about life in school and all that we do to help them learn. We have an active School Council as well as our Eco Warriors who lead environmental change. We collect ideas about safety including friendship surveys, feeling safe in school questionnaire, online safety audits, peer relationship discussions and mental wellbeing questionnaires. As part of the annual cycle in school we focus on friendship, black history, anti-bullying, online safety and mental health - these are nationally lead and always provide opportunities for the children to give their ideas and learn from each other through discussion in class and as a school. Pupils often lead worship at these times and share their ideas.
Monitoring the curriculum
The governors are active in their review of learning in school and take part in regular pupil voice discussions. Staff and governors regularly meet a group from across the school and ask about a specific area of school, using their books as evidence the pupils talk about their strengths, how teachers might help them, feedback, peer assessment, challenge and how they are helped to learn. This evidence helps to provide a review of both learning, teaching techniques and pupil understanding about the curriculum.