Pupil Premium, Catch Up and Sports Funding
Pupil Premium Funding
Pupil funding is additional funding that the Government gives to schools. This funding is targeted at students facing the greatest disadvantage. The Government believes that Pupil Premium is the most effective way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and their peers.
The use of the Pupil Premium Grant is the responsibility of each individual school. However the funding should be used to remove barriers to learning and ensure that each student participates fully in all aspects of school life and is enabled to reach his/her full potential.
The School Census taken in January of each year is used to establish: students who were ‘Ever 6 Free School Meals’ (any child who at any time during the last 6 years was claiming free school meals), Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children and Students whose parents are serving in the Armed Forces.
If you believe you are eligible for Free School Meals and are not currently claiming for this benefit your child will not attract this additional funding. If you require assistance in claiming this benefit please contact the Local Authority.
Eyam funding for 2023-2024 is £10 185 2022-2023 was: £12,105. In 2021-2022 it was £10,415
Review of 2023 and Plan for 2023 - 2024
Pupil Premium and Catch up 2023-2024
Plan for 22-23
It is up to schools to decide how best to spend their Pupil Premium and we follow government advice. It is spent on things such as:
- Training for teachers and teaching assistants
- Weekly Nurture sessions
- Year Group teaching of Maths
- TA Led reading sessions
- 1:1 reading sessions
- Use of dedicated and targeted computer software programmes
- Catch up and Keep up programmes
- Specific resources suggested through additional support services
- Subsidised funding for school trips and other activities
- Subsidies for school uniform and milk
How do we know if this is making a difference?
We track the progress of our children as part of our ‘Pupil Progress’ meetings. This enables us to monitor progress and identify if our FSM children are under performing. If support is required this can then be implemented whether this is additional one to one booster, further SEN support, or support from outside agencies. Before making a decision on allocating the funds, we consider, based in our tracking information, the historical and current progress of each child.
The vast majority of our pupils are performing at national average levels. If this is the case our emphasis on the allocation of the fund is based on ensuring that these pupils are not disadvantaged in taking part in our wider curriculum opportunities.
Strategy Review
We continually review the impact of the pupil premium funding during each term and at the end of each academic year.
We have carefully considered these barriers in allocating our funding in order for the children to have the best opportunities to develop themselves as independent, resilient, confident individuals.
Claiming the funding
If you believe you are eligible for Free School Meals and are not currently claiming for this benefit your child will not attract this additional funding. If you require assistance in claiming this benefit please contact the Local Authority.
A lot of people don’t claim free school meals even though they’re entitled. That’s why Derbyshire County Council launched a campaign to encourage people to check if they are eligible.
You don’t need to worry about other children knowing your child gets free school meals, only the school and catering staff will know.
You could save £400 a year for each child and your children could benefit from a good hot meal at lunchtime. The school will benefit too - they’ll get the pupil premium of £1,300 a year from the government for each child on free school meals.
Your child may be able to get free school meals if you (or the young person themselves, where appropriate) get any of the following:
- Income Support
- Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit* and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- You can get this help if you get Working Tax Credit and you are in the four week ‘run—on’ period where your WTC is due to stop because you have stopped work or reduced your hrs
- Universal Credit
You will not be eligible if you are claiming Working Tax Credit.
To apply, fill in the form on the Derbyshire County Council Website and they will write to you to let you know if your application has been successful.
Catch up Funding
This is being added to the provision for vulnerable pupils and is mainly spent on 1:1 or very small group support in developing writing skills and embedding core maths skills. We aim to build pupil confidence which should then have an impact across the curriculum.
National Tutoring Programme Funding is ring-fenced funding for in-school tutoring. Schools will receive £162 for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium, but can be used for any pupil. The funding will cover 60% of the cost of tuition - the shortfall can be topped up using the catch-up funding which is an additional £145 per pupil premium child. The fund must be spent on tutoring, but schools have flexibility on how this is delivered
Funding for 2022 -2023 is £3,296
Recovery Premium
The Recovery Premium is a grant which is part of the government’s package of funding to support pupils whose education has been impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19). It is a time-limited grant providing £1bn across the 2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024 academic years. It is focused on pupil premium eligible pupils because of the additional impact of the pandemic on these students. However, schools can use it to deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting any pupil based on an assessment of individual need.
The funding is £145 per pupil or a minimum of £2000. This money is spent on ensuring there is additional support for any child who is struggling to focus on their learning and supports the work of the ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant) as well as TA support either 1:1 for in small groups.
Sports Funding
See Sports Page in the Children section for all our sporting activities and funding details