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Dear Parents and Carers, 

We are delighted to be able to share the outcome of our recent Ofsted Inspection with you all. The process was very rigorous and the inspectors were extremely thorough.  The full report is attached.

The school was assessed in the following areas:

Quality of Education:                   Good

Behaviour and Attitudes:              Good

Personal development:                Outstanding

Leadership and Management:      Good

Early Years Provision:                 Good

This is a wonderful achievement which reflects the commitment, hard work and determination of all our staff, especially Mrs Gilbertson, providing a well thought through, ambitious curriculum as well as providing outstanding encouragement for personal development.  We are incredibly proud of all our young people who were described as being kind and enthusiastic learners, and older children were recognised as being positive role models.  They are also described as well behaved, caring and determined to ensure equality and fairness, with the school being described as a happy and calm place in which to learn.  Please do share this with your children, they should be proud of themselves!

The inspectors also noted the support from parents and the local community, which are vital for a small school to thrive.  We would like to thank all of you for your ongoing support for the school, it really does make a difference. 

As governors, we will take on-board the findings of the inspection, both to celebrate what has been achieved and to ensure that the school continues to thrive into the future.

We thought you would enjoy a few quotes from the Senior Lead Inspector, she gave over 2 hours of feedback much of which is not in the final document: ‘’It has been a privilege to see the vision, ‘Let your light shine,’ in action throughout the school’’.  ‘’The school is a beacon for the community”.  ‘’The school is precious and our challenge is to hold on to what makes it special’’.   “I would love my grandchild to come to Eyam School”.

With kind regards on behalf of the Governors,

Clare Harley


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