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Safeguarding, Prevent and GDPR

Everyone at Eyam CE Primary School fully recognises the contribution school can make to protect and support children in school. The aim of the implementation of the policy is to safeguard and promote welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive environment. We encourage children to talk about their worries and to report their concerns to us. The children's welfare is of paramount importance. We recognise that some children may be especially vulnerable to abuse and that children who are abused or neglected may find it difficult to develop a sense of self worth, to view the world in a positive way or achieve academically. We will always take a considered and sensitive approach in order that we can support all of our children and their families.

All adults working with or on behalf of children have a responsibility to safeguard and promote their welfare. This includes a responsibility to be alert to possible abuse and to record and report concerns to staff identified with child protection responsibilities within the school. 

Any volunteers or new members of staff have to have an induction with the Headteacher and Health and Safety officer to discuss safeguarding within school and their responsibilities. All staff and volunteers are kept up to date with any recent changes or any new documents. 

  • The Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Mrs Oona Gilbertson and can be contacted through the School Office 01433 630840 8am-6pm 
  • The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Hannah McGuire and can be contacted through the School Office 01433 630840 8am-5pm    
  • The Designated Lead for CIC (Looked after children) is: Mrs Oona Gilbertson
  • Deputy DSL: Mrs Hannah McGuire (Infant Class teacher)
  • The Designated Lead for Anti- Bullying is: Mrs Oona Gilbertson
  • The Designated Link Governor for Safeguarding is: Claire Walsh
  • The Designated link Governor for Anti- Bullying is: Calire Walsh
  • The Designated link Governor for Looked after Children (Child in Care) is: Claire Walsh

Prevent Strategy and Action Plan Eyam School 2022-2024

Important Contact Details

Starting Point (For all Safeguarding Concerns) Telephone: 01629 533 190

Out of hours Call Derbyshire (Children’s /Young Peoples and Adult Social Care) Telephone: 01629 533190

Police Central Referral Unit: Butterfly Hall, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3RS   Telephone: 0300 122 8719

NSPCC - National Helpline 0808 800 5000       

Childline 0800 11 11

Derbyshire County Council Child Protection/Safeguarding Team Telephone: 01629 532178

Derbyshire Police 101 - can route non urgent referrals through to the PREVENT Team

Children’s Social Care (single point of Contact-Starting Point) Telephone: 01629 5319930

Prevent - Seamus Carroll is the lead officer for Prevent at Derbyshire County Council Telephone 01629 538494 or 07771 980107

Safeguarding Policies can be found in the Policies section

harmful behaviour in young people 

Advice for parents: toolkit for parents 

graded care Threshold Document