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Mental Health and Wellbeing

This is a page of links and useful information – do always come and chat to Mrs Gilbertson if you are worried about your child we will always try to help. The pandemic has shown us all just how vulnerable some children are and that this can also be unpredictable.

What emotional and social support does Eyam provide for my child’s overall well-being?

The emotional and social development of all children is very important to us at Eyam Primary School. The children regularly take part in mixed age group activities to ensure that all the children are fully integrated across the school. 
There are opportunities for the children in Years 3-6, regardless of additional needs, to be a playtime buddy who are trained to help include all children in enjoying playtime. They can also take part in the School Council and the Fair Trade and ECO committee. Each class is divided into House groups lead by a House Captain – this provides opportunities for House discussion and the formation of alternative friendship groups. 

All classes follow a revised PSHE Curriculum (see Curriculum page) with regular discussions about emotional development which includes the strategies children can adopt for self-help and finding out how to ask for help. 

  • When it is felt that a child needs additional support with their social and/or emotional development then we are able to offer nurture group, positive play on a 1:1 basis or structured play in small groups. 
  • In addition, at Eyam we also have an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) who meets children 1:1 for regular sessions to support emotion and social skills.
  • The school has access (through the Call Derbyshire Starting Point referral system) to a triage team though a referral to Social Services.  We also work with the Early Help Family Multi-agency Support Worker who will meet with parents who have concerns about their child’s emotional, social or behavioural needs either in school or at home and will work with the families directly or with the school to try and resolve these issues or direct families to alternative support.
How will my child be included in activities outside the school classroom including school trips?

All children regardless of additional needs are included in all school trips. Parents are informed about the nature of the trip and invited to participate in them with their child if needed. All trips are assessed for accessibility and to ensure that all children can participate in them as fully as possible. There are several out of school activities and they are open to all children regardless of any additional need. 

Wellbeing for families

Link to the Community Updates section of the Derbyshire wellbeing webiste






Derby & Derbyshire - Emotional Health & Wellbeing ( 

At Eyam we work closely with the Early Help team at Bakewell who can meet both parents and pupils who might need a family support worker, help with sleep or toileting, behaviour and family routines. Mrs Gilbertson can make a referral to the Early Help team.

We have pupils who are Mental Health Ambassadors who attend awareness training and can talk about being mentally healthy. They help to spread the word that we all need to consider ways to keep our minds well and that its ok not to feel fine all the time – in fact its normal to have a range of emotions and its also normal to find talking about it difficult.

We encourage the children to take time for mindfulness and relaxation activities, to keep active, to look out for each other, to listen, to get involved in activities outside school, eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water!

Developed with Children in Need, Ollee is designed to stop the small stuff turning into big stuff, and helps children articulate whatever it is that they feel anxious about.  Start your Ollee journey here.


If it is an anxiety related concern then we are very lucky to be working with the Changing Lives Team, also run from Lady Manners in Bakewell.  This support can be accessed for any family in the Cluster whether you attend Lady Manners School or Hope Valley College.  Parents can make their own referrals, or you can just ring them for advice or a chat for both YOURSELF and your CHILDREN.  This service is also available for staff.

What can the Changing Lives team help with?

· Low mood

· Anxiety

· Simple phobias

· Sleep problems

· Panic attacks

· Worries

· Managing stress

· Change / transition


How parents and carers can support children's mental health and wellbeing

The Anna Freud website has a range of resources and comes recommended from the Derbyshire mental health team.

In addition Derbyshire has now compiled and is constantly updating a new website Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing is full of resources and contacts for both adults and children including training and local help.

Derbyshire Threshold document explains what is available at each level. Mrs Gilbertson can share more details with you. 


As always please DO NOT feel you are alone – DO come and chat if things are tricky for either yourself or your family – we will always treat these conversations in the strictest confidence